Frequently Asked Questions
1. Will I be at the mercy of the therapist whilst under hypnosis?
This fear is mostly due to examples in the media where people appear to be very manipulated, apparently without consent, whilst under hypnosis. "Stage hypnosis" is more to do with people being willing volunteers. If you are undergoing hypnosis for therapeutic purposes (i.e. hypnotherapy) then you are fully in control, you remain fully aware throughout and the behavior of the therapist is governed by the Code of Ethics of a professional body and a need to maintain a good reputation. In my case this professional body is the KONA University and Society.
2. What is it like being under Hypnosis?
It is quite similar to a daydream but primarily it is a very relaxed frame of mind in which you are focused upon a world of imagination rather than upon the real world. Also, although it is not being asleep, a client, being so relaxed, may momentarily drop off to sleep.
3. How will being under hypnosis result in the therapeutic change that I want?
Whilst in trance my suggestions will be received by your sub-conscious mind with less chance of being rejected by the conscious part of your mind. This happens because the sub-conscious mind will not filter out suggestion as untrue or unwanted to the same degree as the conscious. The conscious mind is much more judgmental and often displays bias which can disrupt learning new behavior or get in the way of accepting new and helpful suggestions. In addition to this a client in a trance is liable to be in a calm frame of mind. If instead of calm the conscious mind is in an emotionally aroused state then the chances of any hypnotic suggestion being accepted is greatly reduced.
4. Will I be asleep?
If you do fall asleep then that tells me that you are very relaxed which is great. However, I am unlikely to let you sleep for very long and if you don't spontaneously re-awaken back to a normal trance then I shall rouse you a little using my voice.
5. Will I be unconscious?
Certainly not in the sense of being knocked out or being in a coma but being in a trance does tend to mean that you are focused on the inner world of imagination and thoughts. Also to help minimize worldly distractions you are very likely to have your eyes closed.
However, being in a trance does not render you completely incapable or insensitive to the real world. You still have awareness and retain free will such that if you should decide that you have had enough then you remain at will to terminate the session and continue on your way.
6. If I feel uncomfortable in any situation can I request the session stops?
Yes, definitely, in fact I would be disappointed if you did not tell me about any such problem because I would miss the opportunity to correct the error or inappropriate treatment.
For an example of the type of problem which may occur consider this, I might suggest imagery designed to put you into a calm and peaceful frame of mind, involving a beautiful sunny and warm day, lazily drifting down-stream on a glorious river in a rowing boat. Now if I had failed to find that you couldn't swim and had a dreadful phobia about water then you definitely would not feel calm and relaxed in that imaginary scenario. So, under these types of circumstance if you stopped me and explained then I could choose an alternative.
7. What qualification do you hold in Hypnotherapy and Counselling?
I am a Certified Hypnotherapist .
8. Do you belong to a regulatory body?
9. Do I have to disclose personal information?
I will need contact information in the form of address and telephone numbers and perhaps an email address. I will want to know your GP's name and surgery address in case I feel a need to refer you back to him/her. I will need to check any medical conditions and / or medication you are taking.
Information regarding medication may be essential because some medical conditions will work against what I can do hypnotherapeutically. For example, if you want help to control your weight but you are taking certain medication then that medication may encourage weight gain. Another example, a client may come asking for help to overcome chronic anxiety but also declare that they are afflicted by Parkinson's disease. This condition is highly likely to include anxiety as one of its symptoms.So, in either of these examples I may refer you back to your GP. Any therapeutic work that I could attempt would probably be ineffective and you would still be charged for any hypnotherapeutic treatment received, also I could probably be accused of working unethically.
Also disclosing certain personal information may be useful in understanding your problem and therefore in preparing more effective, more targeted therapy. Of course I cannot compel you to discus anything that you don't wish to. But any treatment I offer could be less effective if you withhold information that could help in that targeted treatment.
10. Will my confidentiality be respected? How?
Information will not be stored on computer (and so can never be accessed by hackers) but only hand written (in my almost illegible hand-writing) and stored in a secure cabinet. The only person who may read you notes is me. I may share information with my supervisor but in such a case you will remain anonymous.
11. What if I am unhappy with the treatment?
You are expected to pay for each session before you attend the session. If you are unhappy about anything that I have done for you or propose to do in the course of treatment then please discuss this with me. I am interested in giving you effective treatment. A dissatisfied client is for me a failure which I want to correct. Ultimately, you have the option of not attending any further appointments.
12. I feel rather frightened of coming to see a stranger, especially a man, on my own. Can I bring a friend?
Yes please do, although I might prefer to have your friend wait outside my consulting room.
13. How much will each session cost? Please see my website.
Read More FAQ
1. Will I be at the mercy of the therapist whilst under hypnosis?
This fear is mostly due to examples in the media where people appear to be very manipulated, apparently without consent, whilst under hypnosis. "Stage hypnosis" is more to do with people being willing volunteers. If you are undergoing hypnosis for therapeutic purposes (i.e. hypnotherapy) then you are fully in control, you remain fully aware throughout and the behavior of the therapist is governed by the Code of Ethics of a professional body and a need to maintain a good reputation. In my case this professional body is the KONA University and Society.
2. What is it like being under Hypnosis?
It is quite similar to a daydream but primarily it is a very relaxed frame of mind in which you are focused upon a world of imagination rather than upon the real world. Also, although it is not being asleep, a client, being so relaxed, may momentarily drop off to sleep.
3. How will being under hypnosis result in the therapeutic change that I want?
Whilst in trance my suggestions will be received by your sub-conscious mind with less chance of being rejected by the conscious part of your mind. This happens because the sub-conscious mind will not filter out suggestion as untrue or unwanted to the same degree as the conscious. The conscious mind is much more judgmental and often displays bias which can disrupt learning new behavior or get in the way of accepting new and helpful suggestions. In addition to this a client in a trance is liable to be in a calm frame of mind. If instead of calm the conscious mind is in an emotionally aroused state then the chances of any hypnotic suggestion being accepted is greatly reduced.
4. Will I be asleep?
If you do fall asleep then that tells me that you are very relaxed which is great. However, I am unlikely to let you sleep for very long and if you don't spontaneously re-awaken back to a normal trance then I shall rouse you a little using my voice.
5. Will I be unconscious?
Certainly not in the sense of being knocked out or being in a coma but being in a trance does tend to mean that you are focused on the inner world of imagination and thoughts. Also to help minimize worldly distractions you are very likely to have your eyes closed.
However, being in a trance does not render you completely incapable or insensitive to the real world. You still have awareness and retain free will such that if you should decide that you have had enough then you remain at will to terminate the session and continue on your way.
6. If I feel uncomfortable in any situation can I request the session stops?
Yes, definitely, in fact I would be disappointed if you did not tell me about any such problem because I would miss the opportunity to correct the error or inappropriate treatment.
For an example of the type of problem which may occur consider this, I might suggest imagery designed to put you into a calm and peaceful frame of mind, involving a beautiful sunny and warm day, lazily drifting down-stream on a glorious river in a rowing boat. Now if I had failed to find that you couldn't swim and had a dreadful phobia about water then you definitely would not feel calm and relaxed in that imaginary scenario. So, under these types of circumstance if you stopped me and explained then I could choose an alternative.
7. What qualification do you hold in Hypnotherapy and Counselling?
I am a Certified Hypnotherapist .
8. Do you belong to a regulatory body?
9. Do I have to disclose personal information?
I will need contact information in the form of address and telephone numbers and perhaps an email address. I will want to know your GP's name and surgery address in case I feel a need to refer you back to him/her. I will need to check any medical conditions and / or medication you are taking.
Information regarding medication may be essential because some medical conditions will work against what I can do hypnotherapeutically. For example, if you want help to control your weight but you are taking certain medication then that medication may encourage weight gain. Another example, a client may come asking for help to overcome chronic anxiety but also declare that they are afflicted by Parkinson's disease. This condition is highly likely to include anxiety as one of its symptoms.So, in either of these examples I may refer you back to your GP. Any therapeutic work that I could attempt would probably be ineffective and you would still be charged for any hypnotherapeutic treatment received, also I could probably be accused of working unethically.
Also disclosing certain personal information may be useful in understanding your problem and therefore in preparing more effective, more targeted therapy. Of course I cannot compel you to discus anything that you don't wish to. But any treatment I offer could be less effective if you withhold information that could help in that targeted treatment.
10. Will my confidentiality be respected? How?
Information will not be stored on computer (and so can never be accessed by hackers) but only hand written (in my almost illegible hand-writing) and stored in a secure cabinet. The only person who may read you notes is me. I may share information with my supervisor but in such a case you will remain anonymous.
11. What if I am unhappy with the treatment?
You are expected to pay for each session before you attend the session. If you are unhappy about anything that I have done for you or propose to do in the course of treatment then please discuss this with me. I am interested in giving you effective treatment. A dissatisfied client is for me a failure which I want to correct. Ultimately, you have the option of not attending any further appointments.
12. I feel rather frightened of coming to see a stranger, especially a man, on my own. Can I bring a friend?
Yes please do, although I might prefer to have your friend wait outside my consulting room.
13. How much will each session cost? Please see my website.
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